February 04, 2006

a story. by me.

in the beginning of time there was a girl. and she was pretty stupid.

yesterday she decided to get into a headbutting match with the soap dispenser and lost. she ended up with foam soap all in her hair and down her shirt. how dumb can you possibly be!!?!?!?

she also got a paper cut from a cardboard box. the box just came out of nowhere! i swear! i mean really. some boxes these days. you try and raise them right and they just end up hurting you.

she also said stupid things in front of her favoritetest person's parents and sister. and of course became a lovely fire engine red color...

and that was almost as good as yesterday when she walked around all morning with her zipper down in the back.

so all in one day she did very well at mortifying herself and feeling quite dumb all day!!!

please don't judge me for my idiotic ways.

Posted by hill at February 4, 2006 11:19 AM

Hill, two posts in one day? Wow.

We love you for your ways, Goofy.

Posted by: Jillian Furbish at February 4, 2006 12:34 PM

i merely roll my eyes.

i sincerely hope you keep loving your job. note to you from all the mainsters: if you want to, stay at mills.

Posted by: gwen at February 4, 2006 04:35 PM

OH, Hillary, ah tangled webs of uphs that we weave. but on the bright side we have the oppertunity get up out of bed tomorrow and make even more fumbles and mistakes. there is always tomorrow for more opperunities to live. . . on the bright side. It is like what one guy said to me making mistakes just means that you are working, and if you are not making any mistakes then you are not even working. I am sure that I made some kind of wise remark back to him. But it is right. . . anyway congrats your living!!!! ;)

Posted by: Stephen Schwartz at February 4, 2006 11:40 PM

Way to persevere and stick it to the man!!!

Posted by: Brade at February 5, 2006 04:02 PM

Hillary, you make life interesting and bearable. I laugh with you, never at you (well, there was that one time...)

Posted by: David Siglin at February 5, 2006 04:37 PM

dave...don't even start with me!!!

brade...do i know you???

steve...the only way to live is on the edge. which constitutes fighting boxes, killing myself and generally having a blast in the process. =)

gwen...you know me too well. its sad.

jillian...you know what i think of you!

Posted by: hill at February 6, 2006 05:38 PM

love ya, Hill. I'm with Sig...

Posted by: Calenair at February 8, 2006 08:02 AM
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