December 28, 2005


you know you are in hicktown usa and around my family when...

1. they play NASCAR live at the gas stations.
2. when being taught an important lesson, the parable that is drawn is about someone who loves deer hunting.
3. you drop the ends of your "hello sir, can you hold?" "sure thing darlin. i'm holdin'."
4. where you watch the ground when you walk...VERY important.
5. when life is as good as it gets...its the berries.
6. you walk out to the garage and find a gutted dear hanging next to the car.
7. where your bow, gun and pickup are JUST as important as your tractor.
8. the dogs names are biscut, dicie, doby...
9. you walk out the front door and can see at least five different close relatives homes without turning your head.
10. where christmas presents consist of longjohns, carhartt, and rockies.

i love my family and all their quirks!!

Posted by hill at December 28, 2005 12:23 AM


Thank you for talking to me at Port City Java. I enjoyed meeting Jeremiah. I'm glad that you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm sure I wasn't too annoying. Thank you for being patient with me. Hope all is well.

Posted by: Andy Shelton at December 28, 2005 03:53 PM
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