May 27, 2004

places not to get a sunburn.

today i was at a pool. a good friend's pool. i was careful, pretty much. i had her check me every few minutes to check and see if i was burnt and she would say "no."

i got hot so i went into the pool to lie on an intertube. the front of me was hot so i laid on my tummy on this intertube. not for long. maybe 35 minutes. the backs of my legs are so burnt it is amazing. the contrast in color between what i was before and what i am now is scary. i can't sit. i can't lie on my back. i can't move. ouch.

it never pays to be vain. it normally just hurts.

Posted by hill at May 27, 2004 09:14 PM

I feel your paın. we,ve spent hours upon hours outsıde and the back of my neck ıs kıllıng me. when ı get back ı,m goıng to have the worst turkısh farmers tan ever.

Posted by: tım at May 30, 2004 04:30 PM

i got a burn in charleston a couple weeks ago. but only a partial burn. there was a SPF 45 handprint on my back, surrounded by vivid pinkness. and then the backs of my knees were burnt. the rest of me somehow escaped the ravages of the uv rays.

Posted by: sligh at May 31, 2004 02:34 PM
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