May 13, 2004


no, there is no mouse. i just have a job interview.

i have never ever ever ever had a job interview before.

i don't know what to do, when to do it, what to wear, what does one wear to a thing like this?

i know it is better to err on the side of more formal than casual, but how formal? this is a law office. ok so maybe formaler than normaler...(ok ok it was bad, but i had to do it!)

tips, comments, sinde remarks, help?

Posted by hill at May 13, 2004 10:21 AM

I have lost my book of "sinde" remarks, dear Hillary. I'll have to find it.

Posted by: jbo at May 13, 2004 11:49 AM

wear your grey skirt with the pinstripes and that pink top or something like that. black is always good. you can borrow my heels if you want. ummmm...trying to think if i have anything small enough for you. pretty much don't think i do. hm. just go for something professional...wear hose (an hour or 2 won't kill you...and wierdly enough, future employers tend to notice that believe it or not. kinda dumb but whatever) want to do the simple but classy thing for this. call me if you want the shoes of if you want to raid my closet.

Posted by: gwen at May 13, 2004 12:05 PM

..oh, and you'll want your curling iron which is still sitting on my bathroom sink :-D

Posted by: gwen at May 13, 2004 12:06 PM

just be yourself. you're not the only one being interviewed. remember that you need to get a feel for whether or not you think you'd enjoy working for/with these people. they could be scary.

Posted by: heidi at May 13, 2004 01:38 PM

dark/muted, tailored but yet you. something you are immensely comfortable in and completely undistracted by. curling iron should not be left at office when you go.
and yes, measure them up. if you don't want to work with them for a year, don't go back for a second interview.

Posted by: joy at May 13, 2004 02:03 PM

*GULP* here i go folks.

thanks for help, and encouragement. gewn, i found an outfit. a nice cream silk top with a bananna republic flair skirt. mer says i look classy. =)

here goes!

Posted by: hill at May 13, 2004 02:09 PM

dude my name is GWEN not gewn. man. ya get an interview and now you think you can spell my name wrong. hA!
so yeah, um, i just turned in an application at Panera. sigh.
50 reasons why i hate south carolia:
i want to move back to vermont simply so i can have my bagging job back at hannaford which paid me about $1.50 more than i've been making for the past 4 years! sob*
i'm going to go bang my head on the desk and then help my mom make lasagna.

Posted by: gwen at May 13, 2004 04:24 PM
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