September 30, 2003

a new look, and proud of it!

so what do you think? i have been wanting change for a while, but haven't gotten around to it.

i am so proud of myself, cause i figured it out by myself! (says hillary as she patts herself on the back rigorously!)

yes? no? i am not sure about the banner. whaddaya think?

Posted by hill at September 30, 2003 11:14 PM

Green it is.

Bravo, I must say! :)

Posted by: kammer at October 1, 2003 07:41 AM

Good for you...looks nice! Changing CSS takes a little bit of doing (but usually a lot of head-banging before getting the doing right :-).

Posted by: andrew at October 1, 2003 12:41 PM

ping ping trackback ping
bouquet-catching stylesheet queen
hill, do you like green?

Posted by: joy at October 1, 2003 01:16 PM

yes absurd i know,
green is not a foe.

i like green,
it is not mean.

grow grow grow.

and that is what life is about right? growning. so what i am (in essence) saying with all the green is a reminder to myself and others, that this is tracking my growth or the lack thereof. i definately need some growth in the areas of 1. spelling and 2. poetry content, and depth and writing ability!

but that is why i chose green. makes me happy. makes me think if magician's nephew when digory and polly arive in the wood between the worlds and it says that the light was a very green light. as if they were watching the trees grow and become bigger. the color green is a happy color to me. associated with many happy thoughts.

in the middle of a green field laying on my back staring at the intensly blue sky and wishing i had an outfit of those colors. stepping into the woods on a sunny day and catching the green-tinted sunbeams on my hands. green moss growing on the trees, on wet rocks. looking in my life and wishing that same green was there.

all that rambling to say what c.s. lewis, the most briliant writer of his and probably our time, said:

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

--Mere Christianity

that growth towards God and heaven.

Posted by: hill at October 1, 2003 02:30 PM

i love it!!
i think i will have to take on my own revamp here pretty soon.
ben's had my "new look" ideas for quite some time, but the poor chap is far too busy.
perhaps i should swing by and get some pointers from you!

love it.
love you.
love green.

Posted by: steph at October 1, 2003 07:26 PM
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