July 01, 2004

I live!

Time for my semi-monthly post. I honestly wonder why I can't get more in. Anyway, I'm finishing up my second week as a mostly independent human being. I say "mostly-independent" because I still go home to do laundry. It's cheaper to drive to Greenville than to do it here. True independence will occur in 3 weeks! The time is racing.

My job is great. The environment is laid back, but there's an undercurrent of energy that seems to course through the place. Cool deals are being struck, cool things are being coded, and cool people are involved. I'm most happy about the variety of projects. There's a ton of stuff on the horizon and each is different. I think one of my biggest struggles is working on a project for a long period of time. Eventually, the novelty wears off, and, in my case, the creative juices tend to dry up. Not a Good Thing™. Fortunately, I don't think I'm going to have that problem at Truematter Of course, the office-wide Halo games might have something to do with the fun factor too.

There is one small annoyance though. I'm reminded at least once a day how much I don't like VBScript. For those of you who don't know what that is, stay that way! You'll thank me for saving you from a major headache. There were at least 3 separate occasions in the last week and a half where I was coding merrily along only to be stopped cold by a seemingly insurmountable roadblock. Hours of googling effort later, I had my solutions to those problems, but I couldn't help muttering to myself the whole time, "I can do this in PHP with one line of code." I did learn something through the process, but it seemed rather painful. I wish VBScript/ASP came with a richer function library. Sadly, the good libraries cost money when you work in Microsoft-land.

Posted by Gabriel at July 1, 2004 09:41 PM

i have no idea what that last paragraph was about but i still love you.
cheaper to do laundry huh...more like less work for you. ;-)
you know, there's no one to give a hard time anymore at home...kind of rots. guess i'll have to start bugging kammer more...

Posted by: gabe's cool sister, gwen at July 1, 2004 11:46 PM
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