June 10, 2004

Home, sweet apartment

Well, I've successfully made another large step in my soon to be married life. Mandy and I now have a place to call home in Columbia. I went down last Saturday (yes, I was celebrating Ben's wedding too) and located a nice little apartment complex near the Columbiana Mall. It's about 10.5 miles from Truematter, so the trip to work will be a little longer.

They've got a pool, fitness center, and picnic areas, so I'm sure we'll be able to host some sort of get-together at some point. Mandy's pretty excited about the fitness center, so you can be assured that I'll be in shape within a month after we're married. 5:20 comes awfully early, though.

On a completely different note, please pray for Brad. He's the student into whom I'm trying to stuff the last 3 years of accumulated knowledge and experience. Our department recently underwent some rather unexpected and drastic changes, so the pressure's already on. Pray I can get him up to speed quickly.

Posted by Gabriel at June 10, 2004 07:38 PM

PARTAY!!! don't hate me if i visit you for your pool.

Posted by: gwen at June 10, 2004 09:52 PM

exciting. i have done my share of apartment-seeking in cola, believe it or not. i was seriously considering moving there right out of grad school for sake of a church plant. it's a "great little town," and your place looks fun.

Posted by: joy at June 11, 2004 12:44 AM
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