June 02, 2004


This post has been a long time in coming. It's been even longer in the prayers of many of you, so take adequate time to rejoice with me. :) I am pleased to announce that I have been taken into the employ of TrueMatter, a small web development firm in Columbia, SC. Thus begins a rather focused period of change in my life which will culminate in my marriage in July.

I've really enjoyed my time spent at BJ (despite the occasional grumblings). The Lord has taught me much about ministry. I look forward to seeing what He's got in store for me/us in the future.

I would appreciate continued prayer for all the things that are involved in moving somewhere. Of particular concern now is finding an apartment. Also, now that Mandy knows where we'll be living, please pray that she'll be able to find a teaching position soon as well.

Posted by Gabriel at June 2, 2004 01:07 PM

that's great! congrats and praise the Lord.
grace and peace

Posted by: david at June 3, 2004 03:04 PM
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