May 14, 2004

Hi Grandma!

I'll explain myself lest those of you who aren't "in the know" look at me askance. We (my sister and I) got the coolest letter from my grandmother today. She's been reading our blogs for some time now and decided to comment on them. Instead of doing it online (reminder to self: teach Grandma how to comment online too so everyone else can get the cool buzz), she wrote us a 3 page letter filled with comments that were wonderful to read.

Allow me to bore you with a little history of the Egolf family, which might serve to put this into perspective. My father served in the US Navy, and since we were a "normal" Navy family, we moved every 2 years to a different place. Obviously, this didn't give us much of an opportunity to spend quality time with either set of grandparents because of the distance involved. So, I'm extremely happy that my grandparents can have this little insight into my life even though we don't see much of each other.

Keep reading Grandma and Grandpa. I hope that this may in some way make up for all the time we didn't spend together. Love you guys! Oh, I'll try to post a little tutorial about commenting on our blogs so you can get in on the "comment goodness". :)

Posted by Gabriel at May 14, 2004 11:15 PM
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