March 01, 2004

On the way to work...

I have a strange habit. I know that may be a shocking revelation to some people, but I do. I like to read bumper stickers while driving. Usually that's not a hard occupation, but sometimes I find myself tailgating just so I can read the sticker on the car in front of me, which I'm sure is driven by an increasingly nervous or angry (or both) person.

Anyway, I noted a rather funny one this morning. Since it was a morning of bizarre moods, it'll probably only be funny to me, but I'll share anyway.

Save the drama for yo mama

I must admit after reading that I could only think of Kammer and his impressions - in particular, "Tie it!" If you haven't been acquainted with that one, I'm sure he'll be happy to share at some point.

Posted by Gabriel at March 1, 2004 08:43 AM

I thought it was funny, too. Welcome aboard!

Posted by: jbo at March 1, 2004 10:21 AM
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