February 09, 2005

Forgot it was Ash Wednesday

I hadn't thought about it being closed to Easter in a while. I haven't mused on the last few weeks of Christ's life in a long time. Why should it come to my memory? What would bring me to think about it? I might read about it in devotions (that too-small time I cut out for study/meditiation/not-enough-prayer each morning), but not likely since I'm not in the Gospels. Another disciple might bring it to my attention if they happened to be watching the calendar.

As it was, there were two ladies at the coffee shop with something on their forheads. Didn't see what it was. Then a business man walked by, said "hello" to the ladies and then said "Must be Ash Wednesday" and wandered of.

Mr. Business took notice of Christ's last days based on the smudge of smoke-grime on the forheads of these ladies. Did he think about Christ? Did they? I don't know, but it's made me stop to think about why I hadn't been.

What do I do to keep Christ before me? Do I ponder his life based on the day of the year? It would be better than my stumbling along as I am now, thinking about things at random, not pursuing a diligent, disciplined thirst-answer-search, just wandering.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at February 9, 2005 07:52 AM | TrackBack

very good thoughts, ben. thank you. i read them actually before the workday began this morning and have been letting them shape my thinking today.

Posted by: joy at February 9, 2005 04:19 PM

Thanks, Ben. Your thirst and challenge for the daily Christ-focused life is rebuking and instructive.

There's a reason someone long ago established a religious calendar, just as there's a reason Israelite dads piled stones, killed their livestock, and baked certain bread regularly. We tend to forget, and sometimes a scheduled reminder is just what we need.

On the other hand, we have a member of the Godhead Himself inside us. Surely one of His greatest desires is to make us live in the reality of our Christ. Perhaps if we walked in more awareness of Him He would stir our hearts to reflect on the spiritual truths we ought to for each day.

He knows we can't constantly think about everything revealed in Scripture, but I'm sure He can also bring the relevant truth to mind that we ought to be considering but have let slip.

May our constant use of the means of grace He provides stir us to daily awareness of our Messiah's blessed work.

Posted by: david at February 9, 2005 07:33 PM
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