November 26, 2003

simplicity quote

little sparkling stones
in a day's dusty walkway:
great quotes of great men.

Micah discovered that the quote that we use on this site ("Simplicity is Truth's most becoming garb") is actually by Dr. Bob Sr. Just thought we should give I'd make sure he got the credit. 8o)

市郎 (ichiro)
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two out of sleep

Paul out of Sleep:
the words
no longer a spear
a baton
a crutch, or a walking cane

Tolkien out of Sleep:
loss of balanc e
black gravity, weight
of a precipice
our struggle revives
smooth, reassuring awareness
of participation
in this Cross-bearing.

stashed away

japanese basement gourmets
waiters in the stairwell

undeserved support
from west-bounding warriors
balancing griefs with grace

handling breakables
holding more than flowers
filling up with philos

measured eyes meting out
(and it's a pleasure)
strong doses of whatnot

not as i imagined
yet i am not surprised
until next time

誠 makota
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November 24, 2003

stop, make, start

stop the ringing ring
make the burning burn yet more
start the praising praise

stop the balking balk
make the yearning yearn yet more
start the singing sing

stop the doubting doubts
make the believing believe yet more
start the telling tell

November 20, 2003


Matched only by heaven
a stroll through the park
steeped in the arts.

pieced together
on the journey home
to kiss the bright blue sky.

November 19, 2003


where are my bensfriends'
haiku, tanka, and others?
Must have forgotten.

this poem
is all
in good

November 18, 2003

because He says

I. a
what was was because
He says, �I am yesterday.�
keep looking forward.

II. i
what is is because
He says, �I am what I am.�
keep on listening.

what will be, will be.
He says, �I am coming soon.�
keep on expecting.


a-i-� is my own creation, so for the purpose of edification and keeping those tinkling cymbals quiet, let me explain.

I am really into constructed languages. The three letters I used as titles for this poem represent past, present, and future. I think you might have guessed from the context, but there's no harm in being clear.

See this post for more info.

November 14, 2003

these are the voyages...

icy light from sun
cold wind is blowing through.
computer: earl grey, hot.

November 12, 2003

japanese maple

japanese maple:
red wings folded in flocking
origami cranes

feathers fall, become
batik: afrik's red lizards
waxed on wet walkways

wind-breath scatters scales,
coughing blood-red haiku
japanese cuckoo

久美子 (kumiko)
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crackle-fly dance

wind conducts the leaves
now waves, flocks, ambitious sprites
now withered brown monks
funneling, fireworks, big band
whirling choreography

誠 makota
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thoughts on boxes

I feel these walls closing in;
this box of plaster and paint.
Why can't I face the world and
do His work without complaint?


a step forward, low
now in the Room, in the heights
speak thoughts, child, speak now

Cut to IHOP

Ordered them.
Succumbed. These cakes.
laced with holiday spice.
Pie without crust.

Ordered them
with eggs, scrambled
and bacon, yes, it was late.
Scold not!

who will...

a simple sitting?
not with rising calls.
no, it is do or be done.

ad verse

they said in japan
all great experiences
ought come to an end
in tanka form, so i will
just not write tanka for this

誠 makota
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beholder vs. beholders

eyes, why spew such lies?
insisting this is "lock"
instead of this is "key"

誠 makota
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November 10, 2003

have faith in God

here comes His grace now.
here comes my faith now, O Lord!
irony lessons:
preaching on "have faith in God!"
when my pain starts to return.

November 06, 2003

Migraine Poetry

I got a headache today, my friends
From all this thinking of verse and rhyme.
I would have posted here sooner, I contend
But I was out like a light in the daytime.

I will admit this poem lacks class,
I designed it quickly to meet a deadline.
It's not my best work, next week I'll surpass
This tragedy of artistry, all blame to me assign.

Enough said, I'll bid adieu, good night!
I've missed the hour (our Wednesday time).
No tears shed though, I'm quite all right.
It's pretty late, and I know where I'll climb.

Finally, I'm finished, I've made it through,
I'm really going now, please don't mind this yahoo!

November 05, 2003


decay is here, but
no silent vultures circle;
they can't smell cold death.

annihilation: when
our fundamentals won't smell
apathy's frostbite.

久美子 (kumiko)
Thoughts (1) | Permalink

cantiga rota

question of faith
how this pours with no siesta
keeping spain on hold

tempest tormenta
not enough to not enough
to infinidad

after all this time
after all these times
after all
can i just bail?

accepted in Him, see, the greatest rejected Acceptor ever

i'm nothing again
no rest since
no, rest --
since Another did not bail

in the deluge with
Arms able to keep
able to infinidad

blind on the banks
dam the doubts with grace enough
to whisper adios

誠 makota
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high school blues

Yeah, tear it's tattered insane down.
Long has it faked a smile
And many an eye has made a mark
That stretches half a mile.

November 04, 2003


Stare at the corner for the day
And wait for the world to change.

Ignore the minutes fading
Next door.