February 05, 2004


A single exercise in March
Will fill a drawer of shirts with starch.

Hoarding all the things unseen
Stumbling on the golden mean.
Waving "hallo", I'm unclean.
Hit the floor and I'm undone.

Fire hugging board and beam
Volumes, keepsakes, now agleam
Single whirlwind, golden scream
Dies away, a violent dream.

This violent dream that woke itself,
That sit's and cowers on the shelf
That needs a hut, it needs a light
Extinguish it, ah put it out.

Call him Randall, call him Scott
Call him Jake, or call him not.
Just build a wall before he comes.
Or grin and bear until he's done.

Posted by Kammer at February 5, 2004 02:00 PM
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