May 12, 2006


I spent last weekend with a pastor, a New York bound designer, Brannon, a blind, morbidly obese geriatric Golden Retriever who didn't answer to the name "Paddington," and 8.1 million people. I and Brannon McA burned off our excess carbs gallivanting about the Large Apple.

We visited several apparel stores and I purchased footwear which I have declared to be "hip." They are extraneous to my wardrobe and stunningly impractical, but I satisfied my primal consumer urges and took my part in humanity's eternal and universal effort to fill up the infinite void one shoebox at a time.

We stopped in at GAP and I felt at home, sort of the way you do when you find a bunch of Americans huddled inside a McDonalds in the middle of Tokyo. I felt that the employees there liked me, maybe even secretly knew my name.

Then we visited the Diesel store. It was as if I were in 7th grade all over again. That's when you start the school year only to find out that being unathletic like I was is akin to cross-dressing, and having your mother still pick out your clothes earns you a non-refundable one-way ticket into Dorkdom. The store had its own DJ, for goodness sake, a metro-hipster dreadlocked giant-headphone-wearing DJ. And a single pair of pants would cost a week of my wages. The employees, I'm sure, snickered silently as I walked by, and they leaned back a few inches lest they be afflicted by the fallout of the Southeastern hickness I radiated. I combated my self-consciousness by telling myself, in soothing motherly tones, that I was the normal one here. Normalcy is the consolation prize of bumpkins.

The dining fare was exquisite. Brannon and I traipsed about Times Square very late Monday night and we managed to slip into this neat little Italian joint I discovered (View image) for some grub. We tried out various hotbars, unfurled our prayer rugs at several of the local Starbucks, and I even got a Gyro (which the waitress politely informed me was pronounced Jai-Roe) at a Mexican restaurant.

Posted by jonsligh at May 12, 2006 01:53 PM

Hey--do people actually buy you stuff from your Amazon wish list? Why didn't I think of that?

Posted by: cate at May 17, 2006 11:20 AM

Not really. In theory it's a great idea, but it hasn't worked for me yet.

Posted by: sligh at May 17, 2006 01:11 PM

Hey man, sounds like a fun weekend. Prayer rugs at Starbucks killed me. Cheers, JM

Posted by: JMac at May 18, 2006 07:38 PM

I must give honor where honor is due.

Posted by: sligh at May 18, 2006 08:36 PM

You stayed in my parent's house for free, and now you're bashing their poor blind dog? He's old, and he's not a golden retriever. He's a mutt, idiot. Let's see what you look like when YOU'RE old. You radiate southeastern hickishness.
So do you want to come to New York and help us start the church?

Posted by: sarah at May 18, 2006 09:08 PM


I am likewise offended by your apparent lack of "breed discernment." Do you recall the grief I bore when you dubbed me "Chinese?" (A little research on your part would have clearly shown that I am not proficient at Ping-Pong.)

I hope that, in the future, you will use a little more integrity in your journalism.

Posted by: sam at May 19, 2006 03:07 AM

Wow. I am under attack from all sides. Who said anything about bashing Paddington? I was obviously trying to evoke sympathy on the part of my readers. I just haven't had time to set up the PayPal Donation Link for the Betterment of Paddington.

Sam, you are right, but if you remember that little prank involving a nerf ball, I'd say you made it even.

Posted by: sligh at May 19, 2006 02:29 PM

Hey Jon,

How r u ? anyways this is your cousin and i hope to tak to you soon so email me at [email protected]

Posted by: Brittany Daves-Horton at May 7, 2007 02:59 PM

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Posted by: 高級デリヘル at December 26, 2009 01:34 AM

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ジェニー紡績機の発明に関してリサイクルトナーしている岩見沢市 税理士の多くでは、「ジェニー」と名付けられた由来について、Jennyという名のハーグリーブスの娘が糸車を倒してしまったとしている。そのために紡錘が上を向いてしまったが、糸車は問題なくフェイシャルエステ 渋谷した。ハーグリーブスは紡錘がダイビング ライセンス取得になっていたのが特に理由があってのことではないと知り、京都市 会計事務所にしてクレジットカード現金化並べることを思いついたという。

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