January 17, 2005

On Campus, Conservatives Talk Back

article. worth your time. read.

Posted by jonsligh at January 17, 2005 02:24 PM

thanks for passing that along. When I was in MI at SVSU you could see the difference between the faculty and the students pretty well. In fact at that time it was just when the idea of a war with Iraq was getting out there. And mostly it was the professors marching around the quad, not the students. Plus, in several classes when a prof started preaching his ideolgy, students shut him down. It was shocking to see how much the students wouldn't take from the faculty. (And this was a small university in the grand scheme of things.)

Posted by: micah at January 18, 2005 03:11 AM

Good. Along the same lines, you might want to check out God on the Quad, a recent book about religious universities and how they're training their students (whether Jewish, Christian, Mormon) to go out and evangelize the world. Apparently the author includes BJU as one of the major focuses. It's a little longer read than your article, but hey. Amazon has the book.

Posted by: Jeremy at January 19, 2005 11:04 PM

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