If you were to write a gospel for the people in your culture...
Where would you start? How would you explain sin? How would you explain Jesus? What about Jesus’ life and teaching would they most resonate with and struggle with?
Jesus. Gospel means good news about Jesus.
The question then begs: Who is Jesus? Or who WAS Jesus (some people may ask)? And what is this good news? Why do I need good news?
I’m going to start from the last question and work my way back to Jesus. Good news is needed because if any person is truly honest with themselves they are not good. Therefore there is lack of good, implying that good/righteousness is needed.
What is the good news? There is hope for change from the bad (sin) that exists in everybody. What is sin? First of all, it is not an anti-social behaviors or things that go against an established cultural conduct. Sin is missing the mark or target. God is perfect and has a standard of perfection; sin is simply being unable to reach that standard.
Alright then, who is Jesus? And why is He the good news? Jesus first of all IS, because He is God and is eternal.
Now let’s start from some basics:
1. Jesus is not a myth, He did exist, many contemporary secular writers and authors talked about or mentioned Jesus (Roman and Jewish historians, Roman and Greek philosophers, etc…).
2. He was a man, but a man that claimed to be one with God. He was either telling the truth, or lying, or was crazy. His disciples and friends reveal that He was neither crazy nor a liar (1 Pet. 2:22). They even died because they wouldn’t say different about Jesus being God. Who does that?
3. He died on a cross and then rose from the dead. Over 500 people ate, talked, and touched Jesus after He was rose from the dead. And again, His disciples and friends died because they affirmed this.
Jesus is God, and He came and died and rose again. Is He just showing off? Why is this good news? The reason Jesus did that is the good news. The reason is to offer forgiveness to repentant sinners because He promised. We miss the mark, but Jesus came to forgive us and help us hit the target of perfection. Why do I need forgiveness? Everybody misses the mark and receives the punishment of going to hell. Jesus died to offers free forgiveness to save us from that punishment. All we have to do is believe with all our hearts, proclaim His truth, and we will receive that good news that changes our lives.