December 28, 2004

We run to you

Show us Your ways, write them in our hearts, bind them in our steps.
Grant us the strength, to hold them ever near. so we will not forget.

We run to You, You make us strong. You are our God, we are Your own.
Bought with Your blood, held by Your love, Oh Holy lamb, to You we run.

We will remember, Angels are around when trouble is drawing near.
And we will stay strong, knowing they are sent to keep our paths clear.

With all our might, we will follow You. You will walk with us and we will carry on,
though all the world be shaken, we know that You will overcome....

Among Thorns
From CD - Draw Near

We run to you because you have bought us. Thank you, Jesus.

Posted by tomglass at December 28, 2004 03:15 PM