December 02, 2003

First move

Just in case you haven't heard, Cathy and I are leaving our cozy little B-101 for a similar palatial palace on Rutherford. Friday, Lordwilling. :-)

Reasons being, in brief, new church philosophy, financial similarity to current rent, and we had to go in May so we might as well go now.

(pertinent 'new church philosophy' in brief--God intends His church to build up other believers and evangelize the lost. we've been attempting to do the edification thing better, so that wasn't a huge factor in the move. but (in my opinion) normal, biblical evangelism happens most often and most effectively in daily relationships, like jobs and with neighbors. so let's see...coworkers...hmmm, working at the Media Center. how 'bout neighbors? in CVA. other contact? i guess if buying gas and a few groceries counts for community there you have it. in sum.)

Posted by apelles at December 2, 2003 12:34 PM
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