July 14, 2003

Kinda interesting...

For $9.95 annually, they claim to be able to block unwanted spam (junk email), phone and fax solicitations, and junk mail.

Do not call

A free service from the government, registering will supposedly stop the vast majority of telemarketers from calling your home or cell phone.

Never having used either, I do not know how effective they are or what kind of reputation they have, but I thought they were intriguing, as was the timing of hearing about them within about a week of each other.

Posted by apelles at July 14, 2003 02:15 PM

This is probably why you've heard about it recently.


And my local paper had more on it yesterday. Getting rid of spam and junk mail is a very hot topic right now, particularly because of the stuff on the floor with Congress of late. I listened to some things on NPR over the weekend about it too.

Posted by: joy at July 14, 2003 03:35 PM
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