Not a bad question, considering my Hebrew and Systematic Theology class load, my GA-ing in the Media Center, my wife ;-), and my assorted other time-crunching activities. So please, allow me to answer the poser of the question et al.
Assuming that the driving philosophy of the Christian life is to bring God glory (1 Cor. 1:31, 10:31), that God's summarizing requirements for me are to love Him supremely and my neighbor as myself (Mat. 22:36-40), and that all Christians everywhere comprise the body of Christ and are expected to build each other up until we attain the mature manhood that is a fit body for our Head (Eph. 4:7-16), I believe blogging is a wonderfully useful investment of my time.
1. I've been aware of Ben's site for quite a while, but have been an avid follower only since the beginning of this semester. I've been encouraged, challenged, blessed, and moved to devotion, moved to compassion, and moved to tears. I've seen that God can get glory and Christians can do the work of love and edification we are meant to do through this tool. And I want to be a part of it.
2. At the beginning of this semester, I was burdened about my need to learn to communicate better, specifically in writing. I asked the Lord for a way to learn more, a bit skeptical that the time or opportunity would present itself. (which is never a good idea, but hey, i'm a grad student. who would listen, and when would I have time?) And when Ben kept hounding me (:-) I thought, "This could be it! What a good idea!"
So here I am. (Thanks Ben. I appreciate you and your efforts so much. You add to me pieces of the puzzle that comprise my picture of Christ.) I pray God is glorified, love is magnified, and you are edified. I would love to see your comments on what I write, on how I write, and on why I write.
In pursuit of Christ,
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seek after him.
Thanks for the blog, Mr. Morris! Yes, this is a wonderful tool, and I pray the Lord will bless your efforts to serve Him in this area.
Welcome to the bloggin' community!
(That girl who hounds you in the media center, and the other new blogger on the block.)
Well Dave, I'm glad that the Lord has used my hounding to give you a digital pulpit from which to preach, practice, and improve your writing (I've never been good with alliteration). 8o)
Keep up the good work Dave. I look forward to "iron sharpening" posts. 8o)
Love ya man,
Ben 8o)
Thanks for the heads-up to this site. Of course, you know that I share you burdens and passions. Therefore, it is a pleasure to have you communicate the truth to others in this way. May the Lord honor this attempt to lift high His name. Grace and peace.
Adam Bailie
The Master's Serminary
Praise the Lord. I am glad, Dave, that you are writing. What a blessing it has been to read the thoughts you share with us.
God bless you and keep you,
james micah bohannon