January 06, 2005

Is it Christmas?

Here is a recent update from my brother Nate. He is in Bangladesh for the second year teaching at William Carey Academy.

I know Christmas is past but the reason for Christmas must always be on our minds. I thought that these thoughts might be an encouragement to you as we begin the New Year.


IS it Christmas when there is no 12 foot tree in the village square; when
there is no tree lighting ceremony? Is it Christmas when there are no
Christmas carols playing in the malls; when there are no malls at all? Is
it Christmas when there is no Christmas party on the 17th, no church
concert, no school play on the 20th, no candlelight service on the 24th?
Is it Christmas when there is no guy with a red kettle on the corner; when
there are only the poor, crippled and blind, with no hope?

Is it Christmas when there are no bells jingling, no halls being decked, no chestnuts roasting over an open fire, and no fire? Is it Christmas when the only
music being sung by a choir is the daily prayer call from the local mosque?
Is it Christmas when cheery holiday greetings would be returned with glares?

Well, I guess the answer to that question depends on who you're asking.
Many of us need all that listed above for it to be Christmas, even if we really
do celebrate the true meaning. Without all of that I have found myself
forced to draw closer to the ONE who is not just the true meaning, He is
Christmas. And then when I see the occasional tree in an American's home,
or listen to a tape of Christmas songs the excitment in my heart is much
greater than before, when I had to work myself up into some kind of
Christmas spirit. I may be one in a million celebrating Christmas in this
part of the world, but Im glad I have something to celebrate.

So, Merry Christmas to all of you from Bangladesh, please dont take what
you have this season for granted!

Thank you so much to everyone for the many Christmas packages and gifts!


Posted by micahellis at January 6, 2005 05:28 PM

well, Its a good post Micah , a real good post, Thanks for putting that up. Dad wrote back, and said " YOUR A REAL COMIC WITH THOSE ELEPHANTS NATHAN.

SHUBO BORO DIM (wishing you a very big egg)

Posted by: Nate at January 16, 2005 11:48 AM
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