Here are some more pictures from Dianna's wedding. I wanted to wait until they were back from Hawaii, to let them see the pictures first. I will hopefully put a few more up. But I don't have access to the pics right now.
Friday we rehearsed for Dianna and Greg's wedding. The instrumentalists met at the church at 2:30. We had flute, piano and violin. Our practice went very well. The vocalists arrived at 3:00 and we were able to practice then and after the rehearsal dinner.
The music was
Be Thou My Vision
Guide Me Day by Day
O Perfect Love
Make My Life an Alleluia.
After the rehearsal we all met at Vivo's Italian Eatery for dinner. I had crème brûleé cheesecake for dessert. It was very good. I was disappointed that it only had one small strawberry as a garnish, especially with someone close to me eating strawberries and cream.
The wedding prelude started at 10:35. Everything went relatively smoothly. I played music from Emma and Pride and Prejudice. The flutist and violinist played Canon in D and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.
I am going to work on orchestral versions of the Bridesmaid's Trio, Procession in D and Allasse as Sinya Yess ("Joy with New Beginnings," the recessional). Unfortunately, we were unable to do recordings of the music on Friday. But we have live recordings. I was hoping to put a CD together for Dianna and Greg from recordings done at rehearsal using uncut music. (All three songs were trimmed because the walk down the aisle doesn't take as along as I imagined.)
The wedding itself was beautiful. I could actually see Dianna and Greg from the piano (I couldn't see Danielle and Brian at their wedding). Everyone enjoyed the music.
The reception was held at the Greenbrier Country Club. It was a lovely reception, and the food was delicious.
There is so much more to come on this topic. And I have many other pictures I would like to post.
Happy Birthday to two very special people. Mema (my mom's mother) and Christa's birthday is today.
Have a great day!
I had a nice 24th birthday yesterday. I haven't been feeling/sleeping very well for about a week. But yesterday was nice. My mom made me a strawberry cake and bought me a new pair of shoes. She got just what I wanted and they were on sale.
Christa surprised me. I had no idea what she would get me. She bought me John Piper's book Counted Righteous in Christ. I've read the introduction online. This is nifty, it came with 5 cds of Piper's preaching on the subject from Romans 5:12-21. This is actually the first Piper book I own. The others I've read online or as pdf's.
I actually painted yesterday, too, using water colors. I'll post it when it is finished.
grace and peace
I mentioned before in my p.s. that Alvin, TX (well, a lot of Texas) got snow for Christmas.
Happy Birthday Grandma. Wish I could be there with you today.
I hope your kids bought you something expensive.
Miss you.
Happy Birthday David.
Hope your day is stress free and joyful.
grace and peace!
Natural Bridge, VA was amazing. It is a testament to God's handiwork, really. It certainly looks hand crafted to me.
The presentation at night was interesting. They did a light show on the rocks as they read Genesis 1. It was interesting to hear
booming down from the bridge. Oh, and when you see the pictures realize that there is a road going over it for perspective's sake.
You sit on one side of the bridge for half of the show, and on the other side for the finale. The ending starts with the song The Lord's Prayer, then the last days of Creation. The finale is more singing; beautiful renditions of two songs: God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again and one of my all time favorites Holy, Holy, Holy.
Christa and I couldn't help but sing with the choir at the end. And the bells resounded all the way down the path. It was one of the most lovely arrangements of Holy, Holy, Holy I've ever heard.
Thomas Jefferson used to own the bridge, back in the day. Christa and I were wondering who owns it now that this highly religious performance can continue. I haven't found out yet.
I almost forgot someone's birthday today. How awful of me...
If you want a hint scroll down and look to the right. And if you do, you'll see that another birthday is tomorrow. So many things to keep track of.
A rainy day is one where you don't run outside to play because you have forgotten how to be a child. So instead, you curl up by a window with your tea and book to imagine you are someone else, in some other place, outside of time.
I attend Diamond Springs Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA. This week March 1 to March 4, we will be having revival meetings. Please pray that the Spirit of God would move in our hearts and draw us closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
1O Lord, You showed favor to Your land; You restored the captivity of Jacob. 2You forgave the iniquity of Your people; You covered all their sin. Selah. 3You withdrew all Your fury; You turned away from Your burning anger. 4Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Your indignation toward us to cease.
5Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? 6Will You not Yourself revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? 7Show us Your lovingkindness, O LORD, And grant us Your salvation.
8I will hear what God the LORD will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; But let them not turn back to folly. 9Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, That glory may dwell in our land. 10Lovingkindness and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 11Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven. 12Indeed, the LORD will give what is good, And our land will yield its produce. 13Righteousness will go before Him And will make His footsteps into a way.
~ Psalm 85 (NAS)
Happy, happy Birthday to my dearest sister Christa!
Congratulations on your Golden Birthday!
I love you.
Happy Birthday Mema! (Even though you might not see this.)
I hope your day is very special too.
I love you.
My Valentine ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight Of bird song at morning and starshine at night. I will make a palace fit for you and me, Of green days in forests And blue days at sea.