May 20, 2008

ScribeFire is an amazing extension for Firefox for blogging. If you don't use it or you didn't like it before, they've made some adjustments that make it easier to use. Now you don't have to format your pictures in HTML anymore (which I absolutely hated doing), it's just one click to align your pic in your text. You can save drafts or notes, publish to more than one blog, have more than one blog entry open at once in tabs, and so much more! You can even share your posts to your facebook page.

jbo does not work for scribefire.

Posted by micah at 03:39 AM
funny serious quote or seriously funny quote? discussion , quotes  

Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?
- Clarence Darrow

Posted by micah at 03:10 AM
May 08, 2008
A night for music  

My family and I enjoyed Dvořák's Cello Concerto in B minor Saturday night with Zuill Bailey's impassioned cello playing, the Virginia Symphony Orchestra and the delightful conducting of JoAnn Falletta. After intermission we heard Prelude to a Drama by Franz Schreker, and Suite from Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss. It was also are first concert in the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach's towncenter. We bought $15 tickets so we were seated on the third floor balcony, but right in the center. We could see everyone and the sound was amazing in there. We even saw a Mr. Matthew Umlauf of BJUdom playing the viola. My sister thought she saw him going into the building and I thought he looked familiar even from a glance. So we checked the program book and there his name was. It was a very enjoyable night.

Posted by micah at 09:20 PM