November 29, 2005
books and duke
Well, we left at 6am this morning for Duke and got back home at 6h30pm. Not too bad for a day trip, right? I am ashamed to say, I slept most of the way there and back, but I didn't feel good. My mom had her Spanish tapes for company on the way back. She said practicing them is exhausting work. I believe it. Especially while driving in the dark and rain.
I had two appointments today. One at the Duke Univ. Clinic, where I had my preoperative appointment. They checked me out, took some blood and repeated the procedures I'd have to follow for Monday's surgery. Then we had lunch and headed over to my other appointment at the Pain Clinic. That appointment I was an hour and a half early for. But it really couldn't be helped since I had to come for the preop appointment. I managed to get back into Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. It is about a futuristic earth at war with the "buggers"; the space force is looking for a general to lead the earth forces against these aliens that have almost annihilated earth 60 years before. They think they have found their general in a genius 6 year old, "Ender" Andrew Wiggin.
I have read the book before about 5 years ago, and I liked it. I went on a Card binge then, but I didn't read anymore of the books in the Ender Saga. I read other books by Card. One a fictional narrative called Sarah about Sarah and Abraham. How they met, and their entire lives. It was good if I recall it correctly. It was very interesting. I liked it a lot. If I remember correctly, Card wrote 3 books: Sarah, Rebekah and Rachael. But I never made it to the next ones because of school. I mean to read them some time. I have many such books on my list. Orson Scott Card is a Mormon. And he provides an interesting perspective on the biblical narrative. Especially his ideas about Sarah's barrenness, and Abraham's omission to Pharaoh about Sarah being his sister-wife.
I am reading Ender's Game now because Kyle has read the series, and he has been at me for ages to read them. I have wanted to, but I have very eclectic tastes with books and I am very finicky with what I read. I usually read several books at a time and can put a book down for weeks sometimes. I have a very good memory for the written word, so I can pick it up later and be right back into it. That's that way I work many times. Other times, I will go straight through something. Or a whole series like the Wheel of Time.