May 25, 2005
Form, Harmony, Orchestration
I've been away quite a while. I know. I have been trying to finish music for my friends' wedding. I have pulled out my harmony books and other musical guides and have been wracking my brain for musical ideas.
I am writing for voice, piano, flute and violin; 4 original, one hymn arrangement. I am happy with everything. But because of my perfectionist nature I cringe at certain things. Plus, overall, I am rather inexperienced at what I am doing. I have much practice writing computer music, but this is for real people.
I found this nifty website that I haven't been able to completely read (because I'm pressed for time); you can download the books there as pdf's too. I am so excited about getting into music writing again. I had been so ill from the RSD that I hadn't been up and around or at the piano. Now reading my Harmony book (and my sister bought me staff paper!) I am really enjoying thinking musically again.
Posted by micah on May 25, 2005 01:27 PM