April 25, 2005
cousins x 3
Because of complications and health risks to my aunt, the doctors have decided to take the babies earlier than they had hoped. So I should have three new cousins very soon. Please pray her health.
And please pray for them. They are very small. They will be in the hospital for quite a while I'm sure. Also, their dad is in the Navy and he isn't in Houston right now. I guess he's probably trying to come home to see them.
Update: The boys were born on 04/21 on my grandfather's birthday (my mom's side, so no relation to them); they are doing well. They are breathing on their own. And their dad made it to town to see them.
Their names are Connor, Ian and Logan. Hopefully, I'll have some cute pictures soon. See left.
Posted by micah on April 25, 2005 01:24 PM