
April 14, 2005

I am so charged.

I got to completely charge myself up today. It took 4 hours! I pretty much expected that it would, but you never really know how long 4 hours is until you are counting down. The first hour was fine, but after that the charger kept moving, and when it is not over the battery it beeps. Annoying. Good design, but annoying.

So to help you out, since many of you may have not charged yourselves, here is a brief description of what goes on.

  1. Place charger in belt;
  2. put belt tightly around body;
  3. the charger when activated will beep until over the battery;
  4. the charger will make a special beep when it is done.

If anyone would like to try this, I know a good surgeon.

Posted by micah on April 14, 2005 08:00 PM

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