September 15, 2004
Controversy is Essential and Deadly
I was at Desiring God today reading and looking around.
I found this quote about controversy. Having (amicably) discussed certain controversial topics lately with friends from church, I thought this quote was apropos.
Let me begin today with a brief introductory word about controversy. The main thing I want to say is that doctrinal controversy is essential and deadly. And the attitude toward controversy in various groups of Christians depends largely on which of these two they feel most strongly. Is it essential or is it deadly? My plea is that at Bethlehem we believe and feel both of these. Controversy is essential where precious truth is rejected or distorted. And controversy is deadly where disputation about truth dominates exultation in truth.
~ John Piper (emphasis mine)
This word about controversy comes in the context of baptism, but it is certainly not limited to it.
Posted by micah on September 15, 2004 05:56 PM