
July 24, 2004

orthodoxy sans love

"Lord, I don't love You like I use to. No, not really. Oh, but I want You to know that I'll still go to church. I'll sing. Oh, and there's Sunday school and prayer meetings. That sort of thing. I'll even give. And I'll believe the Truth. I'll discuss it with my friends. And I'll fight for it. I just don't love You, that's all."

I can be a "bible believing fundamendalist"; I can have a biblical ministry; I can sponsor all the orthodoxy that anyone could ask for...

But I may not love Christ like I should. And then, He would have something against me.

"Lord, help me always to love You like I should. Help me never to leave my first love."

Revelation 2:1-5

see also How to Meet the Enemy by John MacArthur, Jr.

Posted by micah on July 24, 2004 02:09 AM

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