
March 25, 2004

duke et cetera

My mother and I made it to Duke University's Pain Clinic pretty easily, and the appointment went well. The doctor was very helpful. I will start a new treatment soon, one that has helped many people overcome their pain. After I get pain managment, I will have to have some physical therapy to regain some of the motor control in my foot that I have lost.

This is by no means a conclusion. It is, in fact, just a beginning. I have another appointment at Duke in 4 weeks. I appreaciate all that have prayed for me, and I ask for your continued prayers.

I am planning soon to blog about Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). This is the disease I have that has caused me so much trouble. I hope that I can help educate people a little, to do my part.

Posted by micah on March 25, 2004 11:49 PM

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