March 11, 2004
walden...the white witch? maybe
from WORLD on the Web
WORLD April 26, 2003: Digging Holes
I found this article today, and I found it interesting. I haven't read all of it. I know, tragic. But I mean to read it. Here are some interesting points, follow the link for the complete article.
Then came reports that a new company, Walden Media, had a big-budget, live-action Narnia movie in the works, and new questions arose: Will the movie be faithful to the books? Will it include C.S. Lewis's Christianity and his evangelistic symbolism? Or will it water down the theology and turn Lewis's allegory of redemption into just another fuzzy children's tale about talking animals?
So far, the message from Walden Media is positive. "We will do a faithful adaptation," Walden President Michael Flaherty promised WORLD. He says he even distributed WORLD's article on the betrayal of Lewis's vision [link inserted] to everyone working on the project, with the HarperCollins plans as an example of what not to do.Posted by micah on March 11, 2004 12:23 PM