February 07, 2004
Wheel of Time
I have been reading the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan again. A new book came out in January (which I got for my birthday, thank you Mrs. Sweede and Danielle). It is a prequel based on a short story. New Spring is fascinating. I don't remember the short story very well, so everything seems new to me.
Spoilers follow. I didn't really think about that fact until I was down with writing this entry. So...if you feel that you are going to read these books any time soon, you may wish to avoid this extended entry. Even though I want you to see my cool genealogy file.
Also, with my interest in genealogy renewed, I've been making charts again. I never realized that Galad, Gawyn and Elayne were Moiraine's nephews and neice. It hadn't occured to me that Taringail was her brother at all (half-brother). Furthermore, when Tigraine left Taringail, she remarried in the Waste and gave birth to the Dragon Reborn himself on the slopes of Dragonmount in sight of the Shining Walls of Tar Valon. So Galad and Rand are half-brothers.
* This pictures works in IE, I have had some trouble with it in Mozilla because it is an .emf. If I can't get it to work cross-browser, I'll think of something else.
Posted by micah on February 7, 2004 05:21 PM