January 17, 2004
let him that stole steal no more
Someone stole tools off our driveway (our driveway extends all the way up past our house to the back yard where the garage is) in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon.
My brother ran out of the house, calling out to the guy. He got a good look at him, and memorized the kids' license plate as they drove off. But the police said since it was an out of state plate, they couldn't find anything that matched their records. So, the policeman promised to drive around the neighborhood and look around.
How reassuring it is that in a neighborhood as good as ours, there are people who will steal right out there under the sun.
How reassuring to me that God doesn't let anything happen but by His Sovereign will.
Posted by micah on January 17, 2004 04:15 PM