
November 29, 2003

christmas play

We had Christmas play practice at church this morning. It went rather well, praise the Lord. I am excited now. It is coming together.

I don't know what you would call our play. We have a great narration by Danielle Sweede. And we have scenes that picture the birth and life of Christ. Our focus is on the Gospel, not really His birth. The News of Christ's birth was announced by angels. I do think we should remark it; but the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15) is what we need to tell.

We are also talking about doing a Christmas movie for next year. We would film it this summer so we can get our college church members involved. We have the beginnings of a very interesting idea for the script too. But I'll not give it away yet.

Finally, I am thankful for Starbucks, even if I only drink chai and not coffee. No, really it's Starbucks chats that I find so enjoyable.

Posted by micah on November 29, 2003 07:24 PM

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