October 15, 2003
My own "scheduled pain"
I have "scheduled pain" tomorrow. Joy asks what is it? Well, I'm not exactly sure what's going on.
Jbo, you ask in shock, don't you ask your doctor what he's going to do?
Of course, gentle reader...but I still don't know exactly what's going on.
Here's the run down:
1) 9th grade: my right foot turned blue. "they" gave me shoe inserts and said i was better.
2) after graduation: musical ministry team, me in agony, the shoe inserts not a solution.
3) that summer before going to bob jones in the fall: bouncing around to different doctors at portsmouth naval hospital
4) ah ha! you have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy go to pain clinic, third floor, and to your right.
5) pain clinic gives me drugs that distort reality and make me depressed
6) i go to bob jones. have a tough first year
7) go to pain clinic again, change medicine, not enough, still weird thinking from mind altering meds
8) finally find something that helps
9) junior year, 2 semester have to leave bob jones, things only getting worse
10) saginaw valley state university, met really awesome people and found a good godly church where God had sent me to grow in Christ Jesus
11) home again, tomorrow pain clinic
So here I am again. Off to the pain clinic I go. The doctors are going to do a spinal block or something like that. Danielle said I was getting an epidural. Maybe. In any case just think: big needle in between vertebrae = not good, (well, maybe good).
This is primarily for diagnostic purposes, but it may also provide relief. I pray it's both.
Some things I've learned. God is good. God is in control. Because even if everything imaginable "goes wrong," you can still delight yourself in the LORD. Sometimes I'm down. But God is still with me, reminding me to trust in Him.