
October 08, 2003


What's going on these days? Why do people think that repackaging the Bible will actually help the cause of Christ? I freely admit that the Bible has a power of its own that can't be defeated by human thinking. But we want genuine faith and belief in Christ not hip Christians who "walk the walk and talk the talk" because it's the "cool thing" to do.

I'm talking about this article from ABC News. My friend Jen commenting on the article said, "We need to reach the lost." But she also said, "We are not like the world," and gave a very good example from Scripture: (Romans 12:2) "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

We shouldn't be ashamed of the Word of God. We don't need to hide it or disguise it in a magazine. We are in a free country. We are blessed. We can freely speak Jesus' Name aloud and we don't have to fear that police will take us away from our homes and family. Are churches aren't in danger from the government. But the people of the church are in danger if this is our method of winning the lost and keeping young Christians reading their bibles.

We need to reach the lost. But we are supposed to do it the way Jesus and the Apostles did. We need to stand out. We need to preach the Word and share the Gospel.

We aren't supposed to mix into the system and become some worldly spiritual mélange.

Posted by micah on October 8, 2003 05:07 PM

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