October 20, 2002
Heaven's Veil
Heaven's Veil
When veiled by clouds, Thy glory hid,
When moved by doubt and fear, I cry.
Thy Spirit wilt move; Thou wilt not forbid
Mine eyes to see Thy grace on high.
If dark the path to Thy gates,
If full of fire, of falls, of fright,
I pray that I may contemplate
Thy Word, O Lord, which is my Light.
Since by Thy Word I understand,
Since by Thy Blood I am made free,
Thy grace is sufficient for me to stand.
Pray let Thy Spirit illumine me.
And this same Wind by breath or gale,
Revealeth to me Thy Heaven�s Veil.
October 19, 2002
james m. bohannon
The idea for this poem came from sunset in Maryland and sunrise in Michigan on my 20-something-odd hour journey to Saginaw.
Isn't it great that even when we feel that God is veiled from us "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Romans 8:16). We have not seen God, but we have seen His Veil: His grace and love.
Posted by micah on October 20, 2002 10:05 PM