I'm moving again.
My employer liked my blog so much he ran off with the name and the motto. Go fig. What's in a name anyway?
Come check out my new home. Lord willing, this one will be lived in a bit more. 8o)
In case I've been missed, here's what I've been working on that has kept me from blogging:
I don't consider the first two to be finished yet, but I'll try and blog a little more along the way. 8o)
The Lord provided an extra $100 to help me get to CO over Christmas vacation. The money came very unexpectedly yester-night from some future family. 8o)
The Lord is good.
His steadfast Love endures forever. 8o)
Doug Young, my father, will be having an open studio November 21-23. You can visit his web site, DougYoundStudios.com to find out more.