December 31, 2003

Competitive Advertising

Has anyone noticed how some web sites are using Google ads to "market" their competitors? At first I thought this was strange. Now it seems like some gorilla-anit-marketing.

Googld ads are pay-per-click, right? So, if I advertise my competitors and people visit the site, then my competitors have to pay for the click. True, they'll be getting traffic they wouldn't have had otherwise, but many of those clicks will be from people who are already loyal to your site/product and just be curious about other companies.

Maybe it's a leap to think the companies are advertising for their competitors just do use up their ad dollars, but that seems to be what's happening all the same.

For some example sites check out MamboPortal and SourceForge.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at December 31, 2003 02:00 PM | TrackBack
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