December 08, 2003

Responsible to Manage

It's occured to me today that I have a responsibility to manage my life, my finances, my actions, my thoughts, my words, and anything else I do.

It's been very easy for me to sit back and "relax" while I wandered my way through life, working on my spiritual walk as a hobby, my finances as a game, and my business as an adventure.

Perhaps I'm being to honest.

I'm confessing this sin here and now.
Please forgive me.
Please help me.

There is no time to play.
But the urgency is not pain,
but pleasure.
We can thrive in this 24x7x52x70 existence.

Christ has equipped us
for every battle
each moment
all thoughts.
All breathingeatinglovingwalkingtrippingjumpingsmeelingtasteingseeing are His.
Why should we fear?
Why should we hold back?
Why can't we LIVE.

Fullness of life comes not from care-free-chaos.
It comes from ordered creativity.
From soul searching repentance.
From deep, earthy joy that makes your chin quiver.

Be unashamedly Christ's.
Right here.
Right now.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at December 8, 2003 09:29 PM | TrackBack
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