November 06, 2003

Moving In

You ever move in to a new place, and determine to yourself, "this time I'll do better." Instantly your mind is filled with all sorts of things you could do to improve your new habitation.

For me, HatShop sits like a new empty room. It needs painting, remodeling, something to make it look more my own.

That will happen. Soon, I hope. Now back to other work. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at November 6, 2003 11:45 AM | TrackBack

Anything worth doing takes time and thought.

Posted by: james micah at November 6, 2003 03:57 PM

i like plad......any way to do a tartan-like look?


Posted by: hill at November 13, 2003 10:26 PM


Plad is possible.
Generally, you'll have to find an image of the tartan you like, and then set it as the background of some block level element. In the case of MT, the three places you'd probably consider putting the tartan would be in the banner, the blog, or the links sections.

If you were to add the tartan to the banner of your blog, you would add something like this to your CSS file:

  #banner {
    ... (old CSS properties)
    background: url('images/tartan.jpg');

That would have the tartan fill the entire banner's background. There are some positioning options as well.

If you need some reference material, head over to There CSS 2 reference is what will probably help you most.

Cheers. 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at November 14, 2003 08:22 AM

nice header image, ben. i was hoping you'd do something hatterish.

Posted by: joy at November 17, 2003 10:05 AM

Glad you like it, Joy.

There's plenty more to be done, but the "beginning" has begun. 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at November 17, 2003 10:06 AM
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