July 31, 2003


Lazy people finish first, but then they get disqualified for cheating.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at July 31, 2003 02:27 PM | TrackBack

So.....you planning to stick with Typepad? It's a good app....but the price of a decent reseller acount. ;-) Or go for Movable Type Pro whenever it comes out?

Posted by: andrew at August 2, 2003 02:46 PM

I think I'll probably stick with MoveableType. I like TypePad, a lot, but I don't want to leave my fledgling bloggers out in the cold. 8o) I may someday move us all to the top TypePad account or possibly set up some of my clients on it. If SixApart starts offering reseller accounts, I'll most likely jump at the chance. 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at August 5, 2003 10:33 PM
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