July 21, 2003

Fictitious Business Name

Finally, after hunting for weeks for some scrap of information on registering a Fictitious Business Name, I have finally found it. To my pleasant surprise it was a good bit cheaper than I thought.

The web page was wonderfully well hidden at the Greenville County's web site (finding that alone, took some google searching).

One would think that on some (if not all) small business help sites someone somewhere would have a link to this tiny, but much needed page.

I'm thankful to have finally found it. If I had my druthers, I'd be more than happy to have an online form to fill out. As it is, I guess I'll use snail mail.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at July 21, 2003 02:12 PM | TrackBack

why "fictitious?" i do na understand.

Posted by: david at July 22, 2003 02:47 PM

The "fictitious" name is not the name of the owner and when running as a sole proprietor that can be important. Their main purpose is to have a public record of who is actually resposible for business done under the name of "_______." If your incorporated you don't have to worry about it, because your company actually becomes a legal entity that is responsible for its own actions.

Sole proprietors *are* their business. Hence the need to register their "fictitious" name. Make sense? 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at July 22, 2003 02:54 PM
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