July 17, 2003

"Not our guns, but our beliefs."

Tonny Blair's speech to Congress this afternoon included this statement along with a focus on "universal values."

Mr. Blair has a very good sense of what C.S. Lewis called the Law of Nature.

Feel free to expand these thoughts with your comments, as I lack currently the time.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at July 17, 2003 04:19 PM | TrackBack

do you have time to clarify? i'm lost, sorry. :(

Posted by: joydriven at July 25, 2003 02:13 PM

In his Mere_Christianity, C.S. Lewis points out that everyone on this earth has an understanding of the "Law of Nature." Lewis points out the fact that at one time the "Law of Nature" was the inner sense within Man of what was write and wrong. We've since changed the meaning of the phrase a bit, but the truth still remains. Each person on this earth has an understanding of what God requires of them whether they are Christians or staunch Atheists.

Tony Blair's sense of the "Law of Nature" comes through in his actions. His actions are not (as far as I know) based on a religious code or even a strong faith of a particular kind. They are simply based on a knowledge of what is good and what is evil. That knowledge is built into all mankind, but Tony Blair seems to act on it more than most.

I hope that explains my thoughts a bit better. I need to do some more research on Mr. Blair before I can say anything more definite about him or his actions.

Please expand these thoughts.

Posted by: Benjamin at July 25, 2003 03:30 PM

Like where Lewis talks about how we innately seem to know when something 'isn't fair!' and when we are treated unjustly (like when someone steals my orange)? Therefore negating the concept that there is no such thing as moral absolute truth because obviously we all hark back to something and expect each other to act in accordance with at least some measure of 'decency.' If this is to what you're referring, I think I follow you somewhat.

I agree that some people seem to act on that better than most. I went through this on that cellar discussion about 'the God of the Bible,' and I attempted to reason with people on the basis of logic, attacking their basic premise that there are no absolutes. 'What kind of a loving God...' has got to be one of the most self-incriminating complaints I have ever heard from unbelievers. The very fact that they make statements that stand in judgment of God's cruelty or inhumane treatment stands as testimony that they posit a system of morality that did not flow from themselves. They indict their own arguments. (I'm sure they feel that makes us even since they think I use circular reasoning.)

Given that some seem to act upon that 'law of nature' better than most, I would take that to mean that this is one of those universal elements of God's image in humankind. To different extents, different people manifest their depravity via different vehicles. Murder is a twist of power and strength and anger. Lust is a rampant perversion of innate affections and the capacity to love. Rationalism is a broken cistern that holds no water--it turns its back on God the source. Blair may be responding rightly to light in this situation, but what separates him from a liberal when it comes to God's throne is a far greater test. I think you already know this and I'm rambling so will jump off now while I can.

Posted by: joydriven at July 25, 2003 06:41 PM

Ramble or not, it was excellent and touched on many good points.

Another thing that impressed me during Blair's speech that day was that he fervantly and dogmatically stands for what he believes is true, right, and just. He doesn't hesitate, and even though 60+% of his countries population don't agree with him he still operates on what he believes and not on public opinion polls. I think the people of the United Kindgom respect that. They may not like what he does, but no one can help but admire his determination to do the right thing.

I guess I also saw my need to be more like that. More later perhaps.

Posted by: Benjamin at July 25, 2003 07:04 PM
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