August 30, 2009


There was this great message I heard this morning about Jesus walking on water and Peter asking to come on with him. Thing is, it feels like every day is like that here. Me asking God if I can walk on the water with Him and then me seeing the waves ride up real high and me sinking till I'm crying out to God to save me. I'm tired of getting caught up with the wind and the waves and then sinking like a rock. But I'm doing it day in and day out. I can't stop looking at the wind and the waves, seeing what they are like and how they move and how high they go and then getting scared at what I see. I'm trying to walk through the storm looking down at my feet instead of staring straight ahead at Jesus and trusting Him to guide my footfall not caring where it falls.

Now, let me say like Peter: If that is You walking on the water, LORD, call me to come. Help me to come and help me to keep my eyes on You and You alone.

Posted by Fae at August 30, 2009 02:33 PM
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