August 24, 2009

It's about time

So I promised my dad a post two days ago, but that night i was at work until 11:30 and last night i was at work until 2am.

The past two days I was in rotation without a trainer, a first. It's been fun. But scary, I'm asking tons of questions of people to make sure I do the job right. My managers know I'm here to work and if they are running behind on workers to call me and that I'd be willing to work late.

Only bad thing about all this is that my feet are still getting to used to me standing all day. I come home practically limping because I stand back on my heels and they *hurt* at the end of the day even with the insoles I put in the shoes. But, again, I'm not used to standing all day.

Every day it has rained. I'm trying to get used to that and the humidity. Oy. I've been putting my hair up in braids every day. Many things I have to get used to.

I figured out the other day that I am the oldest person in my apartment. And I'm thinking more mentally mature. I haven't been to a bar or out partying which puts me behind the other girls, in the social standing of the apartment, but I'm cleaning up after them and I've found they talk differently to me. I know I should look at it as a good thing.

I'm going to church with my friend Quezia to St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. It's R.C. Sprowls church, which I think I already told you. I love it. I think I'll be going there every Sunday. I have for the last two weeks and I can next week. I don't know about any week after that.

Frustrating thing: the constant complaining around me. The long bus ride home. I take the bus to save on gas and cause the bus is free. I haven't spent time with any one who lives here in Orlando. That's kinda frustrating cause I was told to call a lot of people, but I just haven't had time.

Blessing: having a Christian friend just an apartment away. And finding another person from BJU here. Her name is Allison Loudermilk. And I ran into her when I was headed to work on the bus.

Well, that's all from this non-writer. I'll try to write more often. Hopefully. Maybe. We'll see.

Posted by Fae at August 24, 2009 01:36 PM

Glad to hear that you're doing swell down there in Orlando.

By the way, did you know the assistant pastor, Burk Parsons, to Sproul was a former Backstreet Boys member? He gave his testimony here in four parts...

I think you might find this refreshing since you're working in the entertainment world.

You're in our (Lydia and I) thoughts and prayers. ^_^

Posted by: Nick ng at August 25, 2009 05:46 AM
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