August 12, 2009

Day 2

ok well, it is day two and i am still here in a pg-13 movie. i think, however, i am on the up and up (yeah song title) cause i think, i think my roommates are seeing/hearing that i don't cuss and are being considerate of it. i'll let you know what it happens. my actual roommate has started cussing less around me. i think.

best thing of the day: i started taking my daily devos with God more seriously today. i did it out in the living room with my roomie organizing all her stuff in our closet and everyone else out and about. another best thing, i'm at disney

most frustrating thing of the day: because of the cussing, my life has changed to a r rated movie. and now the words are circling around in my brain just waiting to come out. i was thinking about my day in the shower and i couldn't stop the words. so every time i tried to quote scripture and the words kept circling but the short verses weren't working. thankfully i memorized a large portion of scripture earlier this year for my recital, so i started quoting my recital in the shower and it helped. until i tried to bond again with my roommates and the language started flowing again. so before i go to bed i will pick up where i left off in my recital.

tomorrow i go to disney traditions where i learn all about the business strategy that makes this place run. i'm looking forward to it.

till tomorrow

Posted by Fae at August 12, 2009 12:45 AM
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