January 30, 2004

Our voices joined in harmony
Happy chords for a bright day
Verses of our symphony

There's music in our unity
Friends laughing 'round a table, gay
Our voices joined in harmony

Our voices joined in harmony
Happy chords for a bright day
Verses of our symphony

There's music in our unity
Friends laughing 'round a table, gay
Our voices joined in harmony

Committing our tune to memory
To be remembered on a silent day
Verses of our symphony

Then comes the chanting litany
Drowning our us-song in the fray
Our voices joi ned in harmony

Voices breaking to a cacophony
Fair notes gone astray
Verses of our symphony

Some chords turn to memory
Songbirds flown away
Our voices joined in harmony
Verses of our symphony

the villanelle i wrote for poetry writing. about friends, bj, and life. dedicated first to God, and then to those who make my life worth it.

Posted by Key at January 30, 2004 06:47 PM