October 15, 2005

Taffy and Jam

Today is Saturday. It is a very good day to be Saturday and Saturday could not have fallen on a better day than today.

This is also the 'clean-like-a-mother' Saturday at the apartment. This means that we whip out every cleaning solution and amonia aroma available and srub and buff and scour and scrape and shine every latent surface in the apartment. But not before going out to find some statically charged dust cloths and stopping by Dailey's for the weekly ThreeKings brainstorming session.

Today we talked about some PR strategems and such. We mapped out some goals for the next meeting. Made plans for contactin a few people regarding our projected growth. Then we played.

Dailey's wife Michelle brought home her old cello from when she played it in school. It is missing the C string, but that didn't stop us from having our fun. We opened a bunch of song/chord sharts (as well as salt water delicacies). He sat down with the guitar. I picked up the cello (trying to remember what I learned from more than a year ago since I had touched a cello). Then we jammed. It was great. Music is such a wonderful gift! Coaxing pure tones from the box's belly with a stick made me want to start taking lessons again.

After we finished we went up to a balcony where we could be within reach of a wireless network. And here I am typing away and watching the tulip trees drop flakes of gold on the otherwise russet ground. Today is a very good day to be Saturday.

Posted by timf at October 15, 2005 11:51 AM

if the only instruments in existence were the cello & piano (okay, m/b drums, too) i'd be a happy camper.
sounds like a marvelous saturday. and in just 5 long days, you get another one!

Posted by: yo-yo at October 16, 2005 10:33 PM
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