October 23, 2004

More Turkey, please

just under five months ago i was deplaning on the euro-asian land bridge of turkey. i really had no idea what to expect despite my research.

last night the tour group was reunited save one. it was really good to sit and talk about the changing nature of missions, graphic design, teaching public speaking, the tone of the upcoming generation, german polotics, looked at pictures, remembered things we thought everyone else had forgotten, and (what party would be complete without) blonde jokes.

But it was more than reminiscing over a trip that taught us about another people group or enlightened us to the wide open opportunities in turkey (though it did teachus that). We saw in each other again the changes that trusting God to draw all the details together into a neat, tidy little package forged. our faith was renewed in turkey. literally walking the footsteps of the ancient church leaders in their own country in many ways showed us how to follow the footsteps of Christ where we are.

and i can say that for me, seeing God guide the past (recent and distant) as He has makes me excited about the future He is unfulring for us.

Posted by timf at October 23, 2004 06:08 PM
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